Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pecksmith Resigns Again as Garbage Crisis Continues

Hi Chris,

Another post drawn from the front page of the Gazette. :)
This is getting right exciting. Who would have expected high-voltage politics at Village Council level?

Mayor Peter Pecksniff resigned for a second time in 24 hours at an emergency meeting of Village Council called last night due to the Village’s continuing garbage crisis.

Council meeting was interrupted by shoe-throwing and a violent spitball battle when the Mayor revealed that no one had been found to fill the new position of ‘Sanitation Engineer’. The only applicant, Biggers the Sasquatch, was rejected by the Village legal council when it was revealed that he had recently filed a complaint with Worker’s Compensation Board as the result of a tree falling on him during a logging operation.

With the deadline only hours away the Council declined to accept Pecksniff’s resignation and, above his protests, appointed him interim Sanitary Engineer until a more suitable applicant can be found and hired. He left the meeting flushed with anger and made no comment which is suitable for inclusion in a decent publication.

All Village residents are asked to have their garbage bagged and at the ‘curb’ by 6:00 am. every morning as Mayor Pecksniff must be able to complete his garbage route and still have time to go home and bathe before he opens the Village Office at 8:00.

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