A lively debate is promised this coming Tuesday evening at the Funk's Inlet High School Auditorium, when Sister Anne and one of E. "Bob" Kitankaboodle's First Canadian Forebears square off on the topic... "If this isn't Heaven are we Bound for Hell?"
Jointly sponsored by the Funk's Inlet Theosophical Society and the Student Council of Funk's Inlet High School, the limits of free speech are sure to be tested once the audience is invited to comment at the conclusion of our guest speaker’s presentations!
Tickets may be purchased at Kitankaboodle's Marina, Art Gallery and Health Spa, Poo Poo Platter's Perm & Tanning Salon, or Sister Anne's Mission of Mystical Light. Seniors and students are free. All others $12.50. A buffet of finger foods will be served immediately following the debate, courtesy the Green Egg Cafe.
And after the Debate!
( No matter who Wins!)
By Special request of Chief Bear - Who - Turns - Right
All-You-Can-Eat-Northcoast-Buffet-Special Only $8.99!
Crab Cake with your choice of Braised Kelp or Tlingit Moss Sauce
Herring Roe with Oolichan Grease
Octopus tentacles in 'Magic' Mushroom sauce
Abalone fritters
Fishhead Soup
Halibut Cheek
Limpets in Cedar sauce
Salmon Steak
Sea Cucumber Salad
Kelp Lasagna
Fiddlehead Greens
Thimbleberry/Salmonberry/Blueberry Pie
| - Assuming there is anything left after the food fight-
| Catering by The Green Egg Cafe
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