Friday, February 6, 2009

The Day's Haul

Hi Chrissie,

We made the paper today! I'm not sure what we are going to do with it, but read for yourself...

Funk’s Inlet Gazette

Mink Trapper Blown Off-Course Survives Desperate Journey!

Mama Zubotica, owner and cook at The Green Egg Cafe, was startled Friday morning when she opened the door to the Cafe and found a cold and very hungry Russian huddled on her doorstep!

The Russian, a Muscovite-transplanted-to-the-Aleuts, says he had been tending his mink traps, traveling from island to island in his two-man Zodiac when a spell of unaccustomed calm weather caught him unprepared. He reports that he alternately bailed and paddled for 11 days, living on pickled cabbage and inhaling fog, until he ran aground in Funk’s Inlet.

“I only know how to steer to compensate for gale-force winds,” Boris Constantine explained to this reporter, while wolfing down two dozen fried eggs and a plateful of buttered biscuits. “When the wind dropped I was so confused I steered in the wrong direction. I did not want to come to Canada - but now that I’m here - Please don’t send me back to Mother Russia. I will do anything to stay !”

The Village Council and Mayor Pecksniff went into into an emergency session Friday afternoon to consider the Russian’s fate.

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